What are the energy saving benefits of LEDs?
An average compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) lifespan is approximately 8,000 hours and a traditional incandescent luminaires only 1,200 hours. LEDs on the other hand, have an average lifespan of an impressive up 50,000 hours or more. Incredibly; if used 12 hours each day, a 50,000 lamps will last more than 11 years. So, it’s easy to see how a business can achieve a reduced carbon footprint with such lamps.
According to the European Commission the switch to LED energy-efficient lamps in 2018 will save 15.2 million tonnes of CO2 emissions by 2025, which is equivalent to the emissions generated by around two million people per year.
How much will I save if I switch to LEDs?
Savings of up to 80% on lighting bills are realistic especially if combined with controls like presence-detectors which can ensure the lights are only when when necessary. Reduced maintenance costs are an added bonus due to the durability of the LEDs . The long-life, maintenance-free guarantees that come with LEDs will protect your business’ investment for years to come. This can be especially beneficial in areas prone to vibration or other stresses where traditional incandescent luminaires will age faster than usual.
LED lamps are slightly more expensive to purchase than their counterparts, however at Yee Group we have experienced one year pay back for commercial clients.
Is the quality of LED lighting comparable with traditional lamps?
There is a common misconception that due to the energy efficiency of LEDs, the quality of lighting is not comparable. This is incorrect. LEDs provide instant light and don’t cast a harsh, bright light as many believe.
Are there any Health and Safety benefits of using LEDs?
Making the switch to LED can have many benefits, not least for the health and safety of your staff. Because the quality of light emitted from LEDs is maintained throughout its lifespan, it will not deteriorate as the lamp ages and dims over time. This will therefore avoid the potential for eye strain, and keep storage areas such as warehouses well illuminated and reduce possible trips and falls due to inadequate lighting. Did you know that LEDs convert almost all of the energy to light and so unlike traditional lighting they wont add to the heat in a room. This can be advantageous in an office or other commercial environment which is prone to overheating.
What are the energy saving alternatives to LED lighting?
Alternatives to LEDs have shorter rated-lifespans, and cost much less to purchase.
– An average 60-watt–equivalent compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) consumes 13 watts and has a rated lifetime of 12,000 hours (approx. 3 years) when lit for 12 hours a day.
– An average 60-watt–equivalent halogen lamp from Philips consumes 43 watts and has a rated lifetime of 0.9 years.
Please note halogen lamps are more efficient than traditional incandescent luminaires, and so the 2018 ban does not affect all of them.
Click here for more on Yee Group’s energy efficient lighting and tailored lighting solutions including:
energy efficient lamps
daylight control sensors
presence detection sensors