The long established Burton garage, offers the full range of repair and maintenance services for all makes and models of vehicles including commercial vans. They work hard to provide great service to their loyal customers and are proactive in constantly improving their services to enhance their reputation as a trusted local company. Making sure that their building security alarm and fire security systems are working effectively is another important aspect of their business that they pay important attention to.
What Filmers Garage Needed
As a busy and growing business focussed on meeting customers’ needs, they wanted their security systems to work well ‘behind the scenes’ and to be reliable, so that the team at Filmers can forget about them and concentrate instead on their day job. They also wanted to keep life simple by having one point of contact for the intruder alarm and fire alarm if repairs were ever needed. The alarm maitenance service from Yee Group is designed to meet this exactly.
Filmers wanted to continue with a monitoring service for the Intruder Alarm connected for police response. However, the system relied upon the analogue Public Service Telephone Network (PSTN) for monitoring. Since BT are undertaking a nationwide project to switch off the PSTN system in favour of digital, Filmers wanted to upgrade to digital communications for their alarm monitoring. BT has begun the transition to digital and has already switched off more than 3.5 million lines that utilise the analogue Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). They will continue until every BT Exchange has transitioned to all-IP (Digital Voice) service. The roll out is still underway and has already affected hundreds of businesses sooner than expected. Filmers garage take their security very seriously and wanted to guarantee continuity of service throughout this transition period.
Yee Group’s solution
Its quite easy to switch providers of both the intruder alarm and fire alarm and because Yee Group are located in Burton and has a genuine reputation for quality service and responsiveness it was an easy choice for Filmers to make.
A system takeover is a good opportunity for a thorough check of the entire system. Yee Group’s qualified fire and security team undertook some recabling to bring both the Intruder Alarm and Fire Alarm systems up to the latest British Standard. They also upgraded the fire alarm signalling to a 4G dual path radio solution, changing it from the analogue PSTN system. The use of two 4G world roaming sims plus a third back up sim, now gives Filmers Garage the peace of mind that comes from a totally reliable and resilient alarm signalling around the clock.
What we achieved
Yee Group’s fire and security team was able to give Filmers Garage complete peace of mind that their system meets the latest standards. The digital upgrade also means that the signalling is now future-proofed for added reassurance.
What Filmers said
“I was impressed by the professional way in which Yee Group tackled our project. It was of great benefit to us to have them do the work swiftly and neatly while we were busy servicing our customers’ vehicles” said Shawn Sowter Owner of Filmers Garage, He continued “We now have a reliable partner in Yee Group and full confidence in our fire and security alarm systems”.