I am pleased to focus on several topical events that contribute to our local economy.
The Chamber’s second ‘Let’s Do Business’ exhibition on Thursday 25 June again proved to be a major success. Visitor numbers were up on last year and the networking opportunities were fully exploited not only by the exhibitors, but also by the many visitors.
One Burton visitor, who also happened to be an exhibitor, told me, “The move of the event to June and to this racecourse venue has been a master stroke. The Chamber is to be congratulated.
“It is now one of the highlights of our business year. It’s worth being a Chamber member just to maximise sales and marketing through the Show. Our involvement pays for itself; and the 20-plus leads and enquiries that we generated, prove that point without any doubt”.
Our Chamber members already have an established reputation for the strength and quality of their networking. This was borne out at ‘Let’s Do Business’. From my perspective, this is a winning concept. It’s the type of event that we should further develop. Let me know if you share similar thoughts; and what you would like your Chamber to consider adding to its annual events’ programme.
A big round of thanks to Caroline Carr and all the team at the Chamber offices for organising the event and making it part of our business calendars.
It is now only a few weeks to the launch of the Burton Mail Business Awards 2015.
Compiling an entry may seem like a non-core activity, however having experienced first-hand, the growth in sales and company profile that can follow success at the awards, I believe that this is PR and publicity opportunity that you shouldn’t miss. Like many other local businesses, we are proud at Yee Group of our Burton Mail Business Award successes. So, I am encouraging businesses, large and small, to enter the varied and different categories, including Most-Promising Start-Up, sponsored again this year by your Chamber. Preparing your entry is also a good time to revisit your plans and business strategy and I know several companies who do just that as a ‘reality-check’.
Burton Chamber is here to assist all businesses, large or small. I look forward to welcoming all our existing and all new members to our monthly events which can be found on the Birmingham Chamber Group website
I welcome feedback and comment on this column and the work and activities of the Chamber. You can contact me at [email protected]
Simon Chapman
President of Burton and District Chamber of Commerce
Managing Director, Yee Group Limited