This edition marks the start of my second year as your President. These remain exciting times for our Chamber.
The continued achievements of Burton’s SME business community, reflects the growing awareness by many of the quality and skills of ‘local entrepreneurs’. The new developments in Burton and across the district, all point to the growing vibrancy of East Staffordshire.
In my speech at our AGM held at Uttoxeter Racecourse as part of the again highly Let’s Do Business Expo 2016, I summarised the big strides that the Chamber, with your support, has made over the past 12-months. I also mentioned that future developments will continue to support each and every member to achieve their goals.
For me, that was a critical reason for joining the Chamber in the first place. It continues to remain a key factor for my business at Yee Group. Likewise, I know from talking to members at networking events and our workshops that this is still upper-most in their minds.
Using that viewpoint, I am inviting all members to let our Executive Director, Chris Plant and myself know about particular subjects that they would like to discuss; and for which events can be arranged later this year and into 2017.
Just to think back to the Lets Do Business Expo in June, we had 1,200 visitors and delegates attending which was an increase on last year. Your continued support of the event and your positive feedback as encouraged us to already start planning for June 2017. On behalf of the Chamber, I am delighted that the Expo continues to be successful. In no small measure this is due to all the hard work and diligence of the Chamber team, and particularly Pam Wallis. A big thank-you to all who were involved in this year’s event; as they say, ‘You did us proud’.
After more than 18 years, serving your Chamber, Carol Sewell retired last month. Her continued and ongoing commitment across a changing variety of roles for the Chamber was recognised at the AGM. Members were delighted to have the opportunity to applaud and congratulate Carol; and to wish her a happy, well-earned and enjoyable retirement.
Growing the ‘voice of Burton’ across the region is a clearly identified role for your Chamber. The expanded Business Expo is now ‘a fantastic showcase for every business’. It provides opportunities for businesses, large and small, to make potential customers aware of their products and services. I know for a fact that it has kick-started new sales streams; and opened up business partnerships.
The ‘ChamberLink Daily’ emailer is another route for you to promote your business. Our members are invited to submit press stories and information suitable for publication. This can include special offers made exclusively to Chamber Members which are regular promoted in a weekly emailed newsletter.
This is an excellent way to promote your business. It can help you to build a pipeline of sales to likeminded business owners and managers. Across this Chamber and the Birmingham Chamber Group, many businesses have laid down successful sales through long-term relationships built with other members. It makes sound sense to follow this approach. It can really assist you to set up a business with sure foundations on which to build further successes.
Burton Chamber is here to assist all businesses, large or small. I look forward to welcoming all our existing and all new members to our next events which can be found on the Birmingham Chamber Group website –
I welcome feedback and comment on this column and the work and activities of the Chamber. You can contact me at [email protected]